Your Secret To SEO and Online Marketing

Back in college, one class that seemed to inspire an instant feeling of dread was Statistics 101. Simply mentioning the class would bring the strongest business students to their knees! Not to mention after the first few exams, the phrase “why do we need this {expletive} class anyway, no one uses this stuff in the real world?” could be heard  throughout the business department.

Fast forward a few years and guess what? Statistics is not only back, it is back with a vengeance. And the phrase “no one uses this stuff in the real world” has for once been proven wrong. Now statistics is (should be) the most important element in a company’s online marketing efforts. Too many companies throw thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours down the drain as they search for ways to drive traffic to their websites. What they so often forget to do though, is “track” their efforts. Without performance tracking of what’s working and what’s not, you have no way to truly know what your ROI (return on investment) is on your time and money.

And that tracking is done using, what else, statistics.

Statistical packages (specialized software) are a way to view who is coming to your website, where they are coming from and how long they are staying on the pages of your site. Every website should have a statistical package installed and running behind the scenes. That would be Step 1. Step 2 is to make it a priority to create statistical reports on a routine basis of your website’s performance. And finally Step 3 is to use those reports to make informed decisions on how to continue to invest your time, energy and money into your online marketing efforts (similar to Stephen Covey’s “Sharpen the Saw” habit).

Too often companies (especially smaller ones) completely ignore performance tracking with their online marketing and SEO / SEM (Search Engine Optimization / Search Engine Marketing) efforts, and they end up wasting thousands of dollars in the process.

If statistics was never your strong point, and if you are too busy handling the day-to-day operations of your business, then look to someone who has the knowledge that can help give your company advice and make recommendations on how to best apply your online marketing. Performance tracking not only increases your website results, it often saves you time and money.

PS: Did we mention that Emaxed has been known to handle such services
(“Nudge, nudge. Wink wink. Say no more”)

The pen is mightier than the sword!

True, This! –
Beneath the rule of men entirely great,
The pen is mightier than the sword. Behold
The arch-enchanters wand! – itself a nothing! –
But taking sorcery from the master-hand
To paralyse the Caesars, and to strike
The loud earth breathless! – Take away the sword –
States can be saved without it!
(Richelieu; Or the Conspiracy, by Edward Bulwer-Lytton)

When was the last time you went back and read through the writing on your website? Are the words still applicable to your company, its products and its services? More importantly was the copy written specifically for the web or was it “borrowed” from some of your other marketing materials? Too many companies invest good money to have a website built, then fall short with the wording that is added to that site.

Writing for the web is where art meets science. The art exists in the usage of words that persuade, influence, and inform your visitors. The science exists in using words that directly effect how search engines catalog and rank your website in search results.

Too many times organizations treat the wording on their website as an afterthought. We suggest turning things around one hundred and eighty degrees and focusing “first” on the wording, before the design work even begins. The pen is, and always will be, mightier than the sword; use words wisely on your website and watch your traffic and customer conversions grow exponentially!